I’ve noticed over the last few weeks there has been some discussion around where Freelancer fits into the canon timeline and there has been some good theories and points made, so I thought I’d make a separate thread for discussion around this.
This is my personal opinion of where I think this sits.
I think the title ‘Freelancer’ gives a strong indication it’s likely set after Hitman 3.
Definition of Freelance:
- A form of self-employment, freelancers lend their skills and talents to a number of clients on a flexible basis. They aren’t employed by a company or committed to a single customer – freelancers have the freedom to choose the projects they’d like to work on and the clients they’d like to work for.*
As we see at the conclusion of Hitman 3’s epilogue, 47 no longer has ties with the ICA and chooses the path of a killer because he can and is now making his own choices, which I believe ties it to the theme of Freelancer.
Also, some have speculated where the Safehouse came from and how 47 acquired it? Well, I think it’s fair to assume this was locked down by Diana for 47’s personal use and the ICA probably had many secret locations on record etc.
We don’t know that location of the Safehouse wasn’t part of the paperwork/equipment 47 picked up in that log cabin at the end of Hitman 3?
On a separate point but related to the discussion, like @TheChicken has pointed out, in one of the cutscenes from the Freelancer gameplay trailer, 47 is seen travelling in an area that looks a lot like the area he was at the end of Hitman 3’s epilogue.
Hitman 3’s Epilogue
Freelancer Gameplay Trailer
Could it be the cabin seen at ending of Hitman 3 is in fact part of the Safehouse in Freelancer? The area is rather similar, especially with the identical looking trees etc.
Since the Closed Tech Test, there has also been some discussion around the fact the WOA targets are roaming around the maps and nothing appears to have changed on the maps, for example Zachary’s still appearing in Dartmoor etc?
Even though Freelancer appears to be set after Hitman 3, like what @Heisenberg has pointed out in another thread, just because they are roaming the map, it could be another case of ignoring the Campaign targets/storylines what is present in Freelancer and just focus on the actual new targets. A typical example of this would be Holiday Hoarders and Elusive Targets etc.
This is all my personal opinions, but feel free to discuss.
UPDATE (12th Jan 2023)
After the release of the Freelancer launch trailer, it’s more clear now that Freelancer is definitely set after the H3 epilogue.
Two examples
Photo from the original Freelancer how to play trailer (released Oct 2022) stating syndicates have ICA approval to be eliminated. Also, this was used in the Closed Technical Test gameplay. This left many questions from people why the ICA were being referenced in a post H3 Freelancer.
Photo from recent Freelancer launch trailer (released Jan 2023). All references of the ICA removed, which fits everything together that Freelancer is set after H3.